'Ride ALive', the basic idea is coming from a summer vacation for a bike shop in Nagoya, Japan Circles staff members who all ride bikes to go camping. A large variety of outdoor activities are adopted into the first concept very quickly by their creative and playful minds.
The grand adventure that began with acquiring the fan tool known as a bicycle quickly intertwined with our playful spirit, leading us into a diverse range of activities, expanding and unfolding before we knew it. Through engaging in such play alongside the bicycle, our daily lives naturally undergo changes. We delve deep into what tools we truly desire, believing in our sense of humor and ensuring they are fully utilized.
This is the essence of our desired original product called "RAL." It serves as a guiding principle in life, embodying what we have learned from riding, and represents our commitment to living abundantly.
It continues to revolve as a testament to the further evolution of the phrase "RideAlive," which was born out of the desire to live life to the fullest.